PX-CRT only works on AE CC 2021 or above.
PX-CRT Installation
It will launch the installation phase after you launch the downloaded file.
2. After you've installed the ZXP Installer, d
ownload the CRT plugin from here. The CRT package contains the "ZXP" file for installing on Windows and Mac.
3. Launch Aescript ZXP Installer and from the file menu choose open and select the downloaded CRT zxp file.
Wait for the installation procedure to finish ( your operating system may ask for authorizing the adobe extension manager which you need to accept )
4. Restart the Adobe After Effect application and run the CRT plugin by choosing Window >> Extensions >> PX CRT
5. Login with your Pixflow account or If you don't have an account please select "Create Pixflow account"
You will get redirected automatically to the Pixflow login page where you can choose one of the login scenarios
You see successful login page and that's when you can close the browser window and continue on plugin window.
6. Now you can access some free items.
Unlock the CRT Locked items
1. Purchase the Premium package from
2. Open the CRT panel from After Effect and press one of the unlock buttons
3. Click on the "Do you have a purchase code?" and enter your purchase code there