Massive Dynamic - Translate Massive Dynamic's strings

Massive Dynamic - Translate Massive Dynamic's strings

In this article, we'll explain how to translate the theme strings.

If you want to translate the strings for the first time, please follow the below steps:

1. Download the POEDIT plugin on your device. 

2. Download the "massive-dynamic.pot" file from the following path:
  1. wordpress root folder\wp-content\themes\massive-dynamic\languages
*For accessing the WordPress root folder you can install file manager plugin or use FTP.

3. Install and Run POEDIT.  

4. Press "Create New Transition"

5. Open the "massive-dynamic.pot" file which you've downloaded.

6. Choose the language which you want.

7. There you can see the possible strings list that you can translate using the software.

8. Find the string which you want to translate it.

To find the term go to Edit > Find or use Control + F for Windows and Command + F for Mac.

9. Select the string you have found from the list and it will be added in the Source Text section below the list.

10. Use the Translation section below the Source Text area to translate the string.

11. Go to File > Save as to save the changes.

12. The software will generate the PO file and the MO file.

13. Upload the PO file and MO file into the following path:
  1. wordpress root folder\wp-content\themes\massive-dynamic\languages

14. Clear the browser cache and check the changes.

If you want to edit the translation file, please follow these steps:

1. Run POEDIT.  

2. Press "Edit Transition"

3. Open PO file which you've put it into the following path before
  1. wordpress root folder\wp-content\themes\massive-dynamic\languages
4. Follow the 7 to the 10 steps

5. Go to File > Save to save the changes.

6. Remove the previous PO and MO files and Upload the new one into the following path
  1. wordpress root folder\wp-content\themes\massive-dynamic\languages
7. Clear the browser cache and check the changes.

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