Infinity Tool - Insallation

Infinity Tool - Installation

We assume you're here because you've purchased the Infinity Tool package and now you're ready to use it.

Infinity Tool is compatible with AE CC 2019 and later and PR CC 2019 and later.

Video Tutorial

Installation Method

1. Install the Motion Factory by reading this Article.
2. Please unzip the file you have downloaded from Envato ( VideoHive)
3. Open AE or PR.
4. Navigate to the Window >> Extensions >> Motion Factory

5. If you already have an account login into it or create and verify your account

6. Now as you're in Motion Factory panel press the "Import" button.

7. There you can import one of the Infinity Tool items which you want by choosing the "Import File" button or you can import the whole package by choosing the "Import Folder" button.

8. If you choose the "Import Folder", you should select the right package based on the software which you've used(PR or AE)

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