Google Analytics is a free website tracking service that reports website traffic, conversions, user behavior, and more. It is the most popular website tracking service available.
Google Analytics can show you how much traffic your website receives, where that traffic is coming from, and how visitors interact with your site once they arrive.
You can also export Google Analytics data in various formats or build your own custom “Dashboard” that easily provides and updates the data you want to see.
How to Signup with Google Analytics:
1. The first thing you need to add Google Analytics to your website is a Google account. If you don’t already have one you are comfortable associating with your website, get one here.
2. Once you have your account ready, go to and login.
3. Once you sign-in with your Gmail account, you will be prompted to a screen like the one below. This is where you will signup for Google analytics with your Gmail account.
After that, you need to enter the account name (It will be the Google Analytics profile name for this website), Website name, website’s URL, country, and the time zone.
5. Now you will be presented with your Google Analytics tracking code. You can copy this tracking code because you will need to enter it in your WordPress site depending on the method you use below.
There are several ways to add the Google Analytics code to your WordPress site, but we’re going to focus on the easiest method.
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights, is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, formerly known as Yoast Google Analytics. This plugin is one of the most
1. Install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin.
2. The plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘Analytics’ to your WordPress admin menu. Navigate to the “Settings” section under the new “Analytics” menu.
3. If you are signed in to your Google Analytics account, click the “Authenticate with your Google account”.
This will bring up a popup where you will be able to authenticate with your Google Account.
Click on ‘Next’ to continue.
Now you need to click on ‘Click to get Google code’ button.
This will bring up another popup with the message ‘MonsterInsights would like access to your Google Analytics data’.
Click on the ‘Allow’ button to continue.
The authentication popup will now show you a line of code that you need to copy.
Next, you need to enter this code in the MonsterInsights popup and then click on ‘Next’ to continue.
The final step is to select the profile you want to track. You need to select your website here and then click on the next button to continue.
Manually Enter Your UA Code: If you prefer to manually enter your user account number, simply check the “Manually enter your UA code” box.
Then go back to your Google Analytics account, click on the “Admin” link in the main menu, and then click on “Property Settings” under the center “Property” column.
Copy the code under “Tracking ID” (be sure to include the “UA” portion) and paste the code into the field in the plugin.
Click the “Save Changes” button and your site is now tracking your visitor data! Again, allow 12-24 hours for data to populate.
The best part about MonsterInsights is that you can view your Google Analytics report inside your WordPress dashboard. Simply visit Insights » Reports page to check out